Easy motivational techniques: sustaining your health objectives

Are you finding it difficult to maintain your health-related goals? Health psychology and behaviour modification specialist Rachelle Beaven offers advice from our readers.

No matter your age, there are many of advantages to adopting healthy habits. It may be challenging, nevertheless, to maintain the motivation to adopt better practices.

You can have a period of low motivation, even if you’re very driven initially. That being said, what is the key to perseverance? click here
“We may find it easier to maintain our habits when we lose motivation if we can develop positive, fulfilling habits that enhance our lives,” says Dr. Katy Tapper, a reader in psychology at City University of London.When asked whether they had ever attempted to develop objectives to stay motivated, half of the readers of Heart Matters replied they had. Being detailed about your plan of action can help you achieve whatever health goals you may have. Write down everything you want to accomplish, including the location and timing of your actions, advises Dr. Tapper.
If becoming more active is your aim, for instance, you might make a daily commitment to walk for thirty minutes after breakfast and schedule an evening exercise session.Reader Suzanne Taylor states, “Having deadlines and a schedule to stick to helps to keep me motivated.” “I feel obligated to participate in activities when I book them in advance,” another reader remarks.Consider the structure of your day and how you may include healthy routines. You may aim to have one glass of water every morning before brushing your teeth, for instance, if you’re attempting to drink more water.
It will be simpler to make good decisions even when you’re not feeling as driven, according to Dr. Tapper, if you establish regular routines and habits.Sometimes, even with a well-thought-out strategy, you won’t have the time or energy to accomplish your objectives. In order to prepare for potential obstacles, it might be helpful to consider what you could encounter. Identify the justifications you could give yourself.We heard from several readers that being outside in the cold or rain makes them less motivated. Should you find this to be a barrier, consider substituting your walk outside with a half-hour yoga session or an alternative inside activity during inclement weather, like these seven at-home workouts.Remarkably, several readers shared that they’ve come to terms with facing inclement weather. “After having heart surgery, I just put on an extra layer and go,” explains Paul Phelps.
Do a little exercise on the days when you’re inclined to skip it entirely. Take a five-minute stroll after putting on your shoes. I promise myself I’ll work out for only 10 minutes when I don’t feel like it. Once there, I’m always inspired to keep going and give it my all,” one reader said. Remember that a quick exercise session may be a great way to boost your mood and energy levels when you’re feeling down or worried.
The crucial aspect, according to Dr. Tapper, is that you’re maintaining your habit and consistency—that is, you’re not completely missing the event.Highlighting the reasons why maintaining your health is essential to you could assist if you are experiencing a decline in motivation. What do you most value in life? ask yourself. How might maintaining a healthier lifestyle enable me to do that?In order to keep up with your grandkids as they grow, for instance, you could decide to lose weight because you value the time you spend with them. If you have a strong interest in travelling, you may find it inspiring to start exercising in order to go on walking vacations with your companions.Dr. Tapper asserts, “We do know that motivation varies over time.” Thus, there will be moments when it doesn’t seem as simple, even if you’re highly driven at first. “Keep in mind the things you value when you’re feeling unmotivated or tempted to fall back on old routines.”1. Choose an activity you like doing.
Consider your hobbies and the ways you might combine them with fitness. When working out, play your favourite podcast or song on headphones. Many readers mentioned how dancing Because of the group, I like going to exercise courses. Jennifer Russell adds, “We laugh and talk, and it’s become a part of my social life.”
“It’s like a workout I didn’t even realise I was doing,” Trisha Pia says of her walks with pals.

  1. Consider your development click here
    It’s quite effective to keep motivated to take the time to consider your progress. A wonderful approach to document your progress and feelings is via exercise diaries, fitness applications, and wearable monitors.As his weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate alter, Bryan Nightingale records his observations in a health notebook. “I aim to improve my health and set monthly weight loss targets,” he states.
    Seeing the blood pressure monitor’s readings drop is what drives Sarah Miles.

Deborah Morris notes her post-exercise mood and notes “how fit I am becoming, how much better I sleep, and how positive I felt about life in general.” She claims to chart her emotional state.


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